How to Unlock an Excel Spreadsheet

In this tutorial, you will learn how to unlock an Excel sheet.

There are numerous features in Microsoft Excel sheet. For example, you may safeguard your Excel sheet files at the cell, spreadsheet, or workbook level. To ensure data changes take effect properly, it may occasionally be required to unlock Excel sheet.

Once ready, we’ll get started by utilizing real-world examples to show you how to unlock an Excel sheet.

Unlock an Excel Sheet

You can easily unlock your Excel sheet.

unlock with Password

First, Select ‘Review’, then ‘unlock Sheet’ after opening the password-protected spreadsheet.

Then, a pop-up box will appear for you to input the password to the Excel sheet.


That’s all there is to it. You are welcome to copy the example spreadsheet below to see how it is done. The most crucial lesson is to enjoy yourself while doing it.

In this tutorial, I covered how to unlock an Excel sheet.