In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a list based on criteria in Excel.
In this tutorial, we’ll talk about how to create lists in Excel depending on criteria. Users will thereafter be able to access a dataset’s list of data in accordance with their needs. Excel doesn’t provide a direct way to create such a list. To produce the list, we will mix several functions.
Once ready, we’ll get started by utilizing real-world examples to show you how to create a list based on criteria in Excel.
Table of Contents
Create a List Based on Criteria in Excel
Before we begin we will need a group of data to create a list based on criteria in Excel.
Step 1
First, you need to have a clean and tidy group of data to work with.

Step 2
In this example, we want to create a list of students who play volleyball. To do so, we can simply insert the following formula =IFERROR(INDEX($A$2:$A$9,SMALL(IF(($B$2:$B$9=$B$2)*($C$2:$C$9=$C$3),ROW($B$2:$B$9)),ROW(1:1))-1,1),””).

Step 3
Once we are done, you will be able to create a list based on criteria in Excel.