Conditional Formatting with Multiple Conditions in Excel

In this tutorial, you will learn how to do conditional formatting with multiple conditions in Excel.

It is simple to highlight specific values or make specific cells obvious using conditional formatting. This modifies a cell range’s look according to a criterion. (or criteria). To highlight cells that contain values that satisfy a specific requirement, utilize conditional formatting. Alternatively, you can format an entire cell range and alter the format precisely as the value of each cell changes.

Before moving to the tutorial, let’s familiarize ourselves with the Excel functions we will be using to conditional formatting with multiple conditions.

Conditional Formatting with Multiple Conditions in Excel

Before we begin we will need a group of data to calculate the average percentage in Excel.

Step 1

First, you need to have a clean and tidy group of data to work with.

Step 2

In this example, we want to find the student names with more than 80 mark and less than 90 mark. To do that we will need to perform conditional formatting onto the data. First we select the entire datagroup, and select ‘More Rules’ in conditional formatting.

Step 3

In the New Formatting Rule pop-up box, we will insert a custom formula =IF(AND(B2>80, B2<90), TRUE, FALSE).

Step 4

Once we press ‘OK’, then the student with an exam result of more than 80 marks but less than 90 mark is highlighted.